Hello & Welcome
Creative Sessions for the Early Years
by Roshni

About Me
The Story
Born and raised in the U.K. I call both London and Hong Kong home.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a passion for creativity. I’ve always looked at the world around me to find inspiration.
When I started to teach, it was a crisp January morning in 2012. The school hall felt cold, the windows were frosted but my heart felt full. For the first time in my life, I actually felt like this is what I was born to do. I had a clear vision: I wanted to work with children. Their sense of adventure and freedom to explore simply excited my mind. Their natural curiosity, their sense of fearlessness, their boldness to be whoever they wanted to be. It's something I felt that we could all learn from. Particularly in the early years.
It’s been over ten years in the education field in both the U.K. and Hong Kong and since then, I have become a mama to a little girl and boy and they have taught me so much. My experiences as a mother has made me a better teacher and an even better human-being. A first-hand insight into the development of a child.
I feel truly blessed.
Roshni x

Songs to sing, stories to share and learning through sensory play
Every session is filled with catchy rhymes, different themes, a story and sensory exploration. I use a variety of rhymes and stories that are repeated on a cyclical basis. Repetition is key and everyone becomes familiar with the songs, action and movement. Helping the children to feel confident in the session and encourages participation and learning.
They are designed to bring parents and carers together to make some lasting friendships .
It's a friendly environment in a judgement free-zone.
If you're delayed for a session - still come.
If your baby cries then do not fret.
If you don't know anyone then it's a perfect opportunity to meet other parents or carers.
So come and join me.

Rhymes, Storytelling
and Sensory Play for Babies
Perfect for your bubbas to feel, listen, immerse themselves in to.
Although babies are unable to use words, they love listening to rhythmic sounds, word patterns and feeling your joy.
Parents and carers - please join in to make the sessions even more enjoyable!
Let’s sing, let’s dance, let’s move!
0-12 months
45 minutes
Check Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp me for the latest schedule.

Rhymes, Storytelling and
Sensory Play for Toddlers
Toddlers like to move! They're either toddling or running and blink and you’ve missed the in-between!
Early Literacy involves rhymes and stories, watching mouth movements and being in tune with your child. Adult participation is key as this replaces passive watching to real understanding and enjoyment. Toddlers can benefit from movements with music to cyclical songs and stories. This may seem monotonous to us but it’s key for children!
12-36 months
45 minutes
Check Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp me for the latest schedule.

Rhymes, Storytelling and Sensory Play
Dads only sessions (Saturday)
Why Dads only? Because Dads want that special time with their bubbas too and they can bond with others in a relaxed and friendly zone.
Session one: 0-12 months
Session two: 12-36 months
45 minutes
Check Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp me for the latest schedule.

Themed Story Sensory Workshops
Special themed workshops centred around a story to delight your child with art based and sensory experiences in an outdoor setting.
Expect lots of fun and messy play!
2-5 years old
45 minutes
Check Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp me for the latest schedule.


Stories with me
I love reading stories and I want to share my passion with children from around the world. Books can take you anywhere and it gives me great pleasure to read stories in this way!
The stories are written by some wonderful authors and illustrators. I also want to give people a chance to have their story own read so if you’re a budding writer or your child has a story that they would like to share then please do get in touch.
The beauty about the podcast is that you can listen to it whenever and wherever you want! In the car, having a bath, before bedtime, eating breakfast. Simply anywhere.
Send me a message at grabsomesticks@hotmail.com if you want a shout-out or simply put it on the comments section on the episode.
If your child would like to draw a picture from the story then please do tag me and add the hashtag #grabsomesticks
So grab some pillows, grab some comfort and enjoy this listening experience. I’m so excited for you to be here to share this story journey with me.

Words about Teacher Roshni
Teacher Roshni is not only professional, but she is also teaching with love and care. My boy learned a lot from her in kindergarten. She gave him an interest to learn and explore. Outstanding teaching led him to think, explore and solve problems. She really gave him a solid foundation of child development along with being creative and holistic. Thank her so much!
Eva and Ronno Cheng - HK parents
Roshni is an excellent early years educator. She is very knowledgeable and accommodating to the varying needs of the children. Roshni has a kind and caring nature and always has the children's best interest at heart. She is approachable and enthusiastic and provides engaging and enjoyable activities for the children.
Nuala Owens - HK principal
Teacher Roshni is enthusiastic and caring, she is loved by all children and they all enjoyed being in her classes.
Teacher Roshni is dedicated and passionate about early-childhood education. She helps the child to grow intellectually and emotionally and encourages them to be an independent individual.
Teacher Roshni is one of the best teachers we have come across! We appreciated Miss Roshni to give our child a wonderful start in his quest for knowledge.
Vivi - HK parent
Teacher Roshni is a very supportive person. My son learned in her class in a British Kindergarten when he was three years old. It was a great experience for him!
Yuko Toda - HK parent
Roshni came as a volunteer teacher in 2009 and 2010 and spent a lot of time with the children and helped them as much as she could. She had a positive impact not only on their academics but on their overall outlook on life.
Roshni has a good and kind heart.
Last but not least, she is a very supportive and creative teacher and we miss her so much!
Teacher Arti -
Sandipan Muni School-India
Get Informed
How long are sessions?
Sessions are 45 minutes but by no means will you or your baby/toddler be sitting for this long! Toddlers like to move and their attention span is short. It’s usually two to three minutes per year of their age! With this in mind, I have designed sessions to be upbeat and movable to prevent antsy legs.
Why is repetition important?
Repetition helps to strengthen the brain’s neural processors for learning and it teaches children to practice, master and retain knowledge. Cyclical songs and story patterns are key and delightful for babies and toddlers to hear.
Why is adult participation important?
Passively watching versus active adult participation hones in the enjoyment, imbeds the rhymes further and extends your child's learning.
How many adults can accompany the child?
A maximum of two adults per child so that it doesn't overwhelm the child and the other children around them.
How do I book?
Send me an e-mail on grabsomesticks@hotmail.com or send me a Whatsapp: 9439 2019 or simply fill out the submission form.
How do I pay?
By Bank Transfer Payment
Details to be provided through email.
I have twins, do I get a special discount?
Yes you do! You just need to pay for one space.
What happens if I need to cancel?
Classes must be booked in advance and paid for in advance. If you need to cancel, please give as much notice as possible. Cancellations must be made at least 4 hours before the class, otherwise the class fee is chargeable. You will be able to re-book at a later date.
In case of absence due to illness, please let me know asap, so that the space can be allocated to another child on the waitlist.
No-shows or last minute cancellations will be charged at the full class price
What if a class is cancelled?
If for any reason a class needs to be cancelled, a make-up class will be rearranged where possible, otherwise a refund may be offered.